Boasting the stunning California coastline, San Francisco wears its charm on every hilly street and historic landmark. While breathtaking, the city grapples with a challenge that resonates with many Californians: car accidents. The iconic city’s bustling streets witness a significant number of traffic incidents. In December 2022, there were 39 traffic fatalities, and as of […]
Have you recently been the victim of a personal injury? Being on the receiving end of someone else’s negligence is never easy. More than physical harm, personal injuries can also involve emotional distress, which can have serious effects on your quality of life. Note that your compensation can vary since personal injury damages differ per […]
Picture this: You’re cruising down familiar streets when, suddenly, a collision shatters the peace. Life’s unpredictable turns can lead you to unexpected places, like finding yourself in a car accident that’s clearly not your fault. According to the Traffic Incident Management System (TIMS), California witnesses thousands of collisions each year, leaving a trail of emotional […]
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RMD Law is a California Personal Injury law firm. We help victims who have been injured in accidents due to someone else’s negligence. RMD Law offers free no-obligation case evaluations for our clients.
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