One of the first questions many injured victims ask their lawyers in the first call is “how much is my claim worth?” The simple answer is, no attorney can answer that so early. If they do quote you a value, their quote is likely a shot in the dark designed to get you to sign […]
Though truly autonomous cars are at least a few years away, many automakers and tech companies have already implemented assistive driving capabilities to improve road safety. Some companies are going a step further, making and even piloting self-driving cars (all monitored by human operators who can intervene) in some major cities. Players in the market include Mercedes-Benz, Intel, […]
When many people think of Southern California, their perception of the region often includes the expectation that traffic is heavy — and they’re right. Southern California has a very high population, and with that comes a high volume of vehicles on the road. Add that to the fact that most of Los Angeles and Orange […]
Note: For those looking to file cases for emotional distress, the common types that we accept at RMD Law are due to distress caused by car accidents, dog bites, bicycle and pedestrian accidents, and wrongful death. The emotional distress accompanies restitution of medical and other expenses. If you fall into one of these categories, please […]
The civil court system exists in California to compensate victims who are injured by someone else’s wrongful conduct. Often, you can negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party out of court for compensation. But when settlement negotiations break down, you will need to file a lawsuit in court. At RMD Law, we have drafted this […]
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RMD Law is a California Personal Injury law firm. We help victims who have been injured in accidents due to someone else’s negligence. RMD Law offers free no-obligation case evaluations for our clients.
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