As leading Orange County personal injury attorneys, we receive plenty of phone calls every week from members of the public. One of the more common questions they ask is, “Do I need a personal injury lawyer?” or “Do I need a lawyer for a personal injury claim?” This is a hard question to answer in […]
Losing a loved one is hard enough, but losing someone in an accident due to someone else’s negligence brings indescribable pain to the family members left behind. These are accidents that could’ve been avoided if someone had used reasonable care while driving. While it’s impossible to place a financial value on your loved one’s life, […]
Most people who are injured in a car accident are not immediately thinking about filing a lawsuit against the other party. It may take a little while for the shock and emotional trauma to wear off, while others are primarily concerned with getting through their medical treatment and figuring out how they will cover all […]
Depositions can be nerve-wracking experiences. At our firm, many of our clients express fear of being questioned under oath, and we want to put them at ease. Giving a successful deposition is key to many auto accident cases in Orange County, and we are here to walk you through the process. What is a Deposition? […]
It is a cornerstone of California personal injury law that victims can receive compensation for their losses. In some situations, these losses are easy to calculate. For example, a personal injury victim can typically receive compensation for their past, present, and future medical care, as well as for lost wages. Our clients can also receive […]
After a painful fall, it is perfectly natural to wonder how much compensation you can receive. After all, your medical bills are probably much higher than you could imagine, and you might not be able to work while you recover. There is no simple way to calculate possible slip and fall settlements. However, at RMD […]
According to the National Floor Safety Institute, one million people visit an emergency year each year because of a slip and fall. These falls represent around 12% of all emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of people suffer serious injuries. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, then you should […]
Many of Orange County’s sidewalks have seen better days. Not only do tree roots break up the pavement, but other natural conditions can render the sidewalk dangerous to walk on. It is no surprise that pedestrians have brought several lawsuits against the city in past years for compensation after suffering injuries. At RMD Law, we […]
Any water on a floor is dangerous. Pedestrians are not expecting floors to be slick, so they do not use appropriate caution when walking. Instead, they barrel on ahead and promptly slip, landing on their back or their arms and suffering painful injuries as a result. At RMD Law, we meet regularly with clients who […]
Premises liability is a legal theory under which a person can sue after getting injured on another person’s or entity’s property and as a result of a dangerous condition. In order for a premises liability claim to have any legal backing, the owner-operator of the property must have been negligent in some way. “Negligence,” in […]
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RMD Law is a California Personal Injury law firm. We help victims who have been injured in accidents due to someone else’s negligence. RMD Law offers free no-obligation case evaluations for our clients.
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