Sexual Abuse Lawyers in Orange County


Sexual Abuse Settlements and Cases Won in California.

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Sexual abuse is a deeply traumatic experience that affects both an individual and the community, making the environment unsafe. It involves any non-consensual sexual act that can result in long-term emotional, psychological, and physical consequences—and unfortunately, these cases happen often.

The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) states that “every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted” and that, on average, there are about 463,634 victims of sexual assault aged 12 years and older each year in the US. Moreover, a study on crimes in California reports that there were 3,082 cases of sexual assault in 2023.

These statistics underscore the urgent need for awareness, support, and justice for survivors. Here is more information about sexual abuse to help you or the victims get the justice you deserve.

Table of Contents

What is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse refers to any unwanted sexual activity where perpetrators use force, make threats, or take advantage of victims who do not give or are unable to give consent. It encompasses a range of acts, including rape, molestation, unwanted touching, and sexual harassment.

Sexual abuse affects individuals across all demographics. However, women and children are particularly vulnerable. Studies have shown that over half of women experience physical sexual violence during their lifetime, and almost half of them have experienced sexual assault as a minor. Many of these cases occurred in homes, schools, workplaces, and public places.

The effects are profound and multifaceted. Physically, victims may suffer injuries or sexually transmitted infections. But more than just the physical, they may also develop anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For long-term effects, sexual abuse can impact a person’s ability to trust others, form healthy relationships, and feel secure in their environment.

What Makes a Good Sexual Abuse Case?

In civil cases involving sexual abuse, the primary objective is to seek monetary recovery for the harm and trauma that the plaintiff suffered. The plaintiff and their lawyer must make a solid case to do this.

  1. Successful cases often hinge on proving that someone else, beyond the direct abuser, had a legal duty to prevent harm.
  2. Insurance covers accidents or negligence, not intentional acts. Proving negligence or inadequate supervision by a third party improves the chances of receiving compensation.
  3. In civil cases, criminal violations require evidence, but the focus is on compensation, not incarceration. Violations of both civil and penal codes bolster the case by showing the harm and liability of those involved.
  4. Determining who is legally responsible and which insurance policies apply requires in-depth legal analysis. Seeking immediate legal consultation helps strategize the case to maximize the plaintiff’s recovery.

Common Settings Where Sexual Abuse Can Happen

Sexual abuse can happen at any place. Understanding where and how these incidents happen can help support victims and keep them safe.

  • School 

Schools should be safe havens for learning and growth. However, teachers, coaches, or even fellow students may perpetrate sexual abuse here. Such incidents often go unnoticed because of the power dynamics and the trust placed in educators. Thus, students may feel too intimidated or ashamed to report the abuse, allowing it to continue unchecked.

Moreover, minors are often the victims in this setting. Parents and guardians should consult with an Orange County school sexual abuse lawyer so they can navigate this sensitive matter.

  • Religious institutions

These places are meant to be sanctuaries, but people still experience sexual abuse within religious institutions. Typically, clergy members and other authority figures exploit their positions of trust and authority to commit such acts. The stigma and fear of reprisal often prevent victims from speaking out, perpetuating a cycle of silence and abuse.

  • Workplace

Workplaces are another typical setting for sexual abuse because of the power dynamics between the victims and their colleagues, supervisors, or clients. Victims are often deterred from reporting due to the fear of losing their jobs or facing professional retaliation, making the workplace unsafe.

With the complexities of such a situation, hiring an Orange County workplace sexual abuse attorney can help you proceed with legal action steps while protecting your rights.

  • Public places

Strangers can assault victims in public places, such as parks and streets, taking advantage of secluded areas or moments of vulnerability. The anonymity brought by a public setting often emboldens perpetrators since it is difficult for victims to identify and report their abusers.

  • Home 

While many sexual abuse cases happen in public spaces, homes can also be sites of these acts, often perpetrated by family members or close friends. The familiarity and trust in a home can mask abusive behaviors, making it difficult for victims to seek help. Children and spouses are particularly vulnerable here, where the abuse can be ongoing and deeply traumatic.

6 Types of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse comes in many forms, ranging from overt acts of violence to more subtle forms of coercion and manipulation. It’s essential to know the different types to be aware if you or someone close to you is a victim. 

1. Rape

Rape is the most recognizable form of sexual abuse. It involves non-consensual sexual intercourse or penetration. It is a violent and traumatic act that violates a person’s autonomy and dignity.

2. Forcible acts of sexual penetration

This abuse encompasses a range of non-consensual penetrative acts, such as anal or vaginal penetration with objects or body parts through force or coercion.

3. Oral copulation

This sexual abuse act involves non-consensual oral-genital contact, where one person is forced or coerced into performing oral sex on another.

4. Sexual battery

Sexual battery refers to any non-consensual touching of a person’s intimate body parts for one’s arousal or gratification. It includes groping, fondling, or other forms of unwanted touching.

5. Sexual assault of a minor

Offenders may commit sexual acts against a minor (an individual under 18) under circumstances that are heinous or violent. These may refer to sexual intercourse with a minor who is not legally able to consent due to their age. Even if the minor consents, it is still considered sexual abuse under the law. These actions often result in severe physical and emotional trauma.

6. Sexual acts with a child 10 years or younger

This refers to any sexual contact or penetration with a child under the age of 10, regardless of the presence or absence of force or coercion. These acts are particularly egregious and can cause lifelong harm to the victim.

3 Signs of Sexual Abuse

Recognizing the signs of sexual abuse is critical in providing timely support and intervention for victims. It allows you and others to identify when someone requires medical help and an Orange County sexual abuse lawyer.

1. Physical signs

Physical signs of sexual abuse can include unexplained injuries, bruises, or marks around the genital or anal areas. They may have been caused by coercion, force, or impactful physical contact. Such injuries may manifest as difficulty in walking or sitting or complaining of pelvic pain. 

2. Behavioral signs

Behavioral effects may explain a person’s actions or habits. For instance, a normally outgoing person who falls victim to sexual abuse may become withdrawn and isolated. A child who previously enjoyed school may start showing reluctance to attend, or an employee may avoid certain coworkers or situations due to distress or fear related to the abuse. 

These behavioral signs may be due to the fear of the abuser or that the sexual abuse would happen again.

3. Emotional signs 

Emotional signs include a range of psychological responses such as anxiety, depression, or extreme mood swings. A person may also exhibit heightened irritability or outbursts of anger. For example, a victim may struggle with sudden panic attacks or chronic feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

These emotional responses often reflect the deep psychological impact of sexual abuse, such as remembering what happened or replaying it in their head.

What Kind of Damages Might be Recovered in a Sexual Abuse Case?

Victims of sexual abuse may be entitled to recover damages to help with the costs of recovery and compensate for the suffering endured. An Orange County sexual abuse lawyer can assist you in navigating the recoverable damages in a sexual abuse case.

1. Medical treatments

Victims of sexual abuse often require extensive medical care, including emergency room visits, surgeries, and ongoing treatment, to remedy injuries sustained during the assault. For example, a victim may need care for sexually transmitted infections, leading to significant medical expenses. 

2. Mental health services

Sexual abuse can leave a profound psychological impact that may require professional mental health services. Victims may need psychiatric care for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Access to mental health services ensures that victims receive the necessary care to manage their emotional and psychological well-being.

3. Counseling and therapy

On top of mental health services, long-term counseling and therapy are crucial for helping victims process their trauma and begin healing. Whether individual or group, therapy sessions provide a safe space for victims to explore their experiences and develop coping strategies. 

4. Prescription medications

Victims may require prescription medications to manage symptoms related to their abuse, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs. Medicines can help stabilize mental health and support overall recovery.

5. Loss of income 

Sexual abuse can disrupt a victim’s ability to work, leading to lost wages or diminished earning capacity. A victim may need to take extended leave from work to recover, or they may be unable to return to their previous job because of trauma-related issues. Compensation for loss of income helps alleviate the financial burden due to the abuse.

6. The cost of relocation to a new area

In some cases, victims may need to relocate to escape their abuser and ensure their safety. However, relocation can be costly. Victims can establish a new and safe living environment with compensation for moving and securing new housing.

7. Emotional distress and mental anguish damages

Victims can seek damages for the significant psychological impact of the abuse, which can include feelings of humiliation, fear, and anxiety. These damages acknowledge the deep distress and mental anguish an abuser imparts to the victim.

8. Physical pain and suffering damages

Compensation for physical pain and suffering recognizes how sexual abuse can take a toll on a victim’s body.

9. Court costs and legal fees 

Pursuing justice through the legal system can be expensive—court proceedings, legal representation, and other related expenses add up to a hefty bill. However, the court may compensate victims for these fees, allowing them to focus on recovery and not stress about their legal expenses.

What to Do If You Have Been Sexually Abused

Taking these immediate and thoughtful actions can help ensure your safety and well-being after a sexual abuse incident. 

1. Ensure your safety

First and foremost, get yourself to safety. If possible, remove yourself from the environment where the abuse happened. Go to a safe place, such as a trusted friend’s or a family member’s home or the authorities.

2. Reach out for support

Find someone you trust for support, whether a friend, family member, or a professional counselor. Additionally, seek immediate medical attention to ensure your health and to document any injuries.

3. Go to a hospital 

If a sexual assault has recently occurred, go to a hospital as soon as possible. Medical professionals can collect DNA and blood samples that are critical evidence. They may use a forensic exam, known as a rape kit, which can be vital in pursuing legal action. 

4. Process your experience 

You may need to talk to a counselor or therapist, journal your thoughts and feelings, or join a support group for sexual abuse survivors. Processing your experience helps you understand what happened and begin the healing process.

5. Consider your legal options

Speaking with an attorney who specializes in sexual abuse cases can provide you with information on your rights and the possible steps to take. An Orange County sexual abuse lawyer can also help you file a police report, pursue a restraining order, or start a civil lawsuit for damages.

6. Reconnect with yourself and your life

Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you feel grounded, like doing your hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and practicing self-care. Healing is a journey, and reconnecting with your passions and support network is a significant part of that process.

Proving Sexual Abuse

It can be challenging to prove sexual abuse, but gathering and presenting the proper evidence can help you get the justice you deserve. Consider preparing the following to solidify your case, and work with your sexual abuse attorney closely to help you with any of the following proofs.

1. Medical records 

These documents help demonstrate the physical impact of the abuse and provide a clear timeline of events. The results of a rape kit can provide DNA evidence to link the perpetrator, making it all the more vital for victims to get medical care following the assault. Additionally, records of ongoing treatment for injuries or health issues can further substantiate your claims.

2. Social media posts, emails, text messages, or voice recordings

An Orange County online sexual harassment lawyer may ask you to gather pieces of digital evidence or trail, as they can play a significant role in proving sexual abuse. These can include threats, admissions of guilt, or other incriminating communications made through social media or messages from the abuser. 

Preserving these records can help establish a pattern of behavior and corroborate your account of the events.

3. Police reports

A police report provides an official record of the incident, indicating details of the assault and any actions of law enforcement. This document can serve as a foundational piece of evidence in criminal and civil cases, showing you have taken action about the abuse with the help of authorities.

4. Mental health provider notes

Notes from mental health providers can illustrate the extent of your emotional and psychological suffering. Therapy and counseling records provide insights into the symptoms and trauma experienced. They demonstrate the long-term impact of the abuse on mental health and overall well-being.

5. DNA and other forensic evidence 

As mentioned, gathering DNA evidence using a rape kit can help strengthen your case. Medical professionals can use it to collect DNA samples soon after the assault, linking the perpetrator to the crime. Other forensic evidence, like fingerprints or physical injuries documented through photographs, are also tangible proof of the abuse.

6. Witness statements

Sexual abuse often happens in areas where there’s no one around. However, try to look for witnesses and get their statements about the incident. These can come from individuals who saw what happened or observed changes in your behavior and condition following the incident.

Statements from friends, family members, coworkers, or others who can attest to the impact of the abuse can also strengthen your case by providing additional perspectives and support.

Hidden Camera as a Form of Sexual Abuse

Placing hidden cameras in private spaces without a person’s knowledge or consent constitutes a severe privacy violation, which is classified under various legal frameworks depending on jurisdiction. It often falls under invasion of privacy laws or statutes addressing voyeurism. Here are the key conditions:

  • Reasonable expectation of privacy in a specific place or circumstance
  • Intentional intrusion into that place or circumstance
  • An intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person
  • Harm was caused substantially by the defendant’s conduct

Factors to consider for a reasonable expectation of privacy are as follows:

  • Identity of the intruder
  • Accessibility of the place to others
  • Method of intrusion

Factors for determining if the intrusion would be highly offensive are the following:

  • The extent and nature of the intrusion
  • Motives behind the intrusion
  • The context in which it occurred

Such actions typically involve secretly recording individuals in places like bathrooms, bedrooms, and changing rooms, breaching personal privacy and causing emotional harm. Lack of consent and awareness can constitute sexual abuse. Conditions for sexual battery via hidden camera include:

  • Intent to record intimate body parts without consent
  • A recording that invades privacy in a sexual manner
  • Intention to cause offensive contact with one’s body parts
  • Causing fear of non-consensual recording
  • Recording contact involving a removed condom
  • Lack of consent to recording in private settings
  • Harm suffered due to invasive recording

Using hidden cameras for sexual gratification or arousal perpetuates a sense of exploitation and objectification—turning private moments into material for personal enjoyment without the victim’s consent. The distribution of such recordings through various platforms exacerbates the harm by subjecting victims to ongoing humiliation and potential public exposure.

Under specific legal statutes like California’s Penal Code 647(j), individuals who use hidden cameras to record others in private spaces for sexual arousal or gratification can face criminal charges for invasion of privacy.

Orange County, California Statute of Limitations for Sexual Abuse

Victims should know the statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases in Orange County, California, as it ensures timely legal action. The statute of limitations is the timeframe for you to file a lawsuit. 

For victims aged 18 or above, the statute of limitation is 10 years from the date of the incident or three years from discovering an illness or injury from the abuse. However, this may change if the abuse happened before they were 18.

On top of this, there are certain situations when compensation may be difficult to collect, as most sexual abuse cases only focus on the perpetrator’s acts. 

While penal code violations could constitute evidence in a civil case, you get paid in insurance claims. However, insurance companies cover damages only in accidents or negligence, not intentional acts. Proving negligence or inadequate supervision by a third party improves the chances of receiving compensation.


Violations of both civil and penal codes bolster the case by showing harm and the liability of those involved. The circumstances, situations, and systems are just as liable for the enactment of these sexual abuses. Examples are the following:


  • Negligent supervision – A parent who fails to supervise their minor child, resulting in abuse to another child can be under homeowner’s insurance.
  • Property owners’ liability – A landowner who neglects to maintain security measures, such as regularly checking for hidden cameras, may be held responsible under commercial general liability insurance policies.
  • Employer liability – Schools or institutions can be held liable for negligently hiring or supervising individuals who commit abuse. The school district may pay a large judgment.


These situations are also in violation of Civil Code 1714. 

Why Choose Our Sexual Abuse Attorneys?

Choosing the proper legal representation is crucial when dealing with the complexities of a sexual abuse case, especially with how sensitive the matter can be. The Orange County sexual abuse attorneys at RMD Law have a proven track record of successfully handling such sensitive cases with compassion and expertise.

Our team is knowledgeable about the legal intricacies of sexual abuse claims, ensuring that you receive the best possible guidance and support. We are committed to offering personalized attention and dedicated advocacy, pushing for our clients’ well-being.

Moreover, we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless we win your case. This structure lets you focus on healing while we handle the legal matters. Trust RMD Law to stand by your side and fight for the justice you deserve.

Why Hire an Attorney for Your Sexual Abuse Case in Orange County?

An experienced attorney can provide the necessary support and expertise to protect your rights.

1. Understanding your rights against the abuser

An attorney can help you understand your legal rights and the options available to you. They can explain the laws specific to sexual abuse cases in Orange County and how they apply to your situation, ensuring you are fully informed and empowered to take action.

2. Knowing the benefits and risks of a sexual abuse lawsuit

Filing any lawsuit has pros and cons, which an experienced attorney can guide you through. They can help you weigh the potential outcomes and make informed decisions about pursuing legal action.

3. Supporting and guiding you through the legal process

An attorney provides invaluable support and guidance, handling the intricate details of the case so you can focus on your well-being. The legal process requires you to retell what you went through, which may not be good for your healing. But a sexual abuse lawyer in Orange County will look after your welfare and advocate for you, presenting your case effectively and professionally.

4. Striking unfair biases

Typically, biases and stereotypes can influence sexual abuse cases. However, an experienced Orange County sexual abuse lawyer can halt and counter those unfair biases so you can present a clear and compelling argument based on the facts and evidence of your case.

5. Getting the right financial compensation

An attorney will work diligently to ensure you receive the financial compensation you deserve. The compensation will help you cover the costs of medical expenses, therapy, lost wages, and emotional distress. More importantly, your Orange County sexual assault lawyer will fight to maximize your compensation and hold the abuser accountable.

6. Protecting your privacy

Privacy is a significant concern in sexual abuse cases, which your Orange County lawyer understands. As such, they will do everything to help protect your privacy, navigating the legal system with discretion and sensitivity. They ensure your personal information and the details of your sexual abuse case remain confidential wherever possible.

7. Joining a class action lawsuit

A class action lawsuit can help bring justice to the perpetrator who has committed the act before on other victims. Your attorney can help you determine if a class action lawsuit is appropriate and guide you through the process. If they deem it fit, the lawsuit can help strengthen your case as you join forces with other victims. 

How Much Will a Sexual Abuse Lawyer in Orange County Cost Me?

The costs of hiring a sexual abuse lawyer in Orange County may be daunting. However, understanding the cost structure can alleviate some concerns. Here’s what you can expect when hiring legal representation for your sexual abuse case.

  • Contingency fee structure 

Many sexual abuse lawyers in Orange County operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you only pay legal fees if your case is successful and you receive compensation. It ensures that legal representation is accessible to everyone, regardless of financial means.

  • Free initial consultations

Most Orange County sexual abuse lawyers offer free initial consultations to discuss your case and assess its viability. You can meet with potential attorneys and determine if they are the right fit for your case without any financial commitment.

  • Transparent fee agreements

Before hiring an Orange County sexual abuse lawyer, ensure that you clearly understand their fee agreements. Reputable attorneys will be transparent with their billing practices and make sure you are fully informed about potential costs throughout the legal process.

Taking Your Sexual Abuse Case to Trial

Deciding to take your sexual abuse case to trial is a significant step in seeking justice. With the guidance of a skilled Orange County sexual abuse lawyer, you can navigate this process effectively and ensure your voice is heard in court.

1. Know your rights

Before anything else, you must be aware of your rights as a sexual abuse survivor. Your attorney can educate you about your legal rights and options, empowering you to make informed decisions throughout the trial.

2. Know the people you should be talking to

Not everyone can be trusted with such a sensitive matter. Your Orange County lawyer can help you understand who you should be talking to and what information is relevant to your case. They can advise you on communicating with law enforcement, prosecutors, and other parties involved in the legal proceedings.

3. Get the support you need

The trial process can be emotionally and mentally draining due to the sensitivity of the matter. As such, seek support from family, friends, and advocates. Ask your attorney for help connecting you with resources and support networks to ensure you have the emotional and practical assistance you need.

4. Collect all information in the documentation 

As mentioned, you must gather and organize all relevant information and documentation to build a strong case. If you need help, consult with your attorney. They will assist you in collecting evidence, such as medical records, witness statements, and other documentation, to support your claims in court.

5. Seek the help of witnesses

Witness testimony can corroborate your account of the abuse. Identify and prepare witnesses with your attorney’s help, ensuring their testimony is compelling and credible.

6. Prepare for courtroom decorum 

Generally, your attorney will guide you on proper courtroom etiquette, questioning, and cross-examination. With this, you can be more at ease and help push for your case.

How to Look After Your Safety and Avoid Sexual Abuse

While sexual abuse is never the victim’s fault, it’s in your best interest to take precautions. Below are some practical tips to help you stay safe and protect yourself from sexual abuse.

1. Always keep an eye on your drink

When out and about, always have your drink in your line of sight. Never leave it unattended or accept anything from strangers. Spiking a drink is a common tactic perpetrators use to incapacitate their victims.

2. Limit your alcohol intake

Do not drink too much alcohol, especially when you’re out alone. Doing so helps you stay aware of your surroundings and make sound decisions, lowering the risks of being in danger.

3. Be in the presence of your friends and family

Stay with friends or family whenever possible, particularly in unfamiliar places or potentially risky situations. There is safety in numbers, and having a support network provides added protection.

4. Be careful about sharing your location

Avoid broadcasting your whereabouts to strangers or acquaintances you barely know. Sharing or posting your location online can make it easier for the perpetrator to get to you.

5. Make your voice heard when you say “no” 

Assert your boundaries and say “No!” out loud. Doing so may scare off the perpetrator or alert passersby, who can help you escape. Speak up if you feel uncomfortable or threatened in any situation.

6. Trust your gut

If something feels off or uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation immediately. Your gut instincts are often a reliable indicator of potential danger.

Why Work with RMD Law

Navigating the aftermath of sexual abuse can be challenging. However, knowing your rights and the legal options available can guide you towards the healing you need. Enlist the help of an experienced Orange County sexual abuse lawyer so you can focus on yourself and healing as they work towards your case’s win. 

If you need a lawyer to help you with sexual abuse claims and cases in Orange County, reach out to us at RMD Law. We stand by survivors, offering compassionate and expert legal assistance. Our team of experienced sexual abuse lawyers in Orange County is ready for the tireless representation you deserve. 

Contact us for a free case evaluation today. 

Don B.
Don B.
Dana Point, CA
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I have worked with John, a managing partner, and have been very happy with his casual every-man approach to some rather complex issues. He put things in plain, easy to digest language and made me feel comfortable with the process and his handle on the situation. Would definitely recommend.
Nicole H.
Nicole H.
Orange, CA
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Through out the entire process, RMD law was super informative and constantly updated me as often as they could! Chelsie and Aria were who I spoke with the most, and they worked around my schedule to ensure I could get the best service possible. I am so grateful for how easy they made this process after my car accident. Thank you team for everything!
Tourie B.
Tourie B.
San Leandro, CA
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Finding and deciding to choose RMD Law was the best decision we could have made. The staff was incredibly nice, supportive, and a pleasure to work with. A big thank you to Kathia for being in constant communication, and getting us the treatment we needed. The process was incredibly easy because of your guidance.

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    The lawyers at RMD are everything you could want. They are experts in their field, and extremely efficient, thorough and caring. They called me back immediately and spent a substantial amount of time explaining the process to me and quite honestly calming me down. I never felt pressured or felt a salesman vibe. I did get the sense that I was in good hands. They handled everything with minimal stress for me, which was key. Thanks for everything.
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    I have worked with John, a managing partner, and have been very happy with his casual every-man approach to some rather complex issues. He put things in plain, easy to digest language and made me feel comfortable with the process and his handle on the situation. Would definitely recommend.
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    San Diego, CA
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    John went above and beyond to assist me with my personal injury case after I was involved in a car accident. I spoke to several attorneys regarding my case and although I decided against hiring one due to the minor damages on my car, John was the only attorney I felt like I could trust. I was truly blown away by his kindness, honesty, and willingness to answer all of my questions and go over different options with me. He truly went above and beyond and showed a great amount of compassion and integrity. If I'm ever involved in an accident again, I will not hesitate to call John at RMD Law.
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    Through out the entire process, RMD law was super informative and constantly updated me as often as they could! Chelsie and Aria were who I spoke with the most, and they worked around my schedule to ensure I could get the best service possible. I am so grateful for how easy they made this process after my car accident. Thank you team for everything!
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    San Leandro, CA
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    Finding and deciding to choose RMD Law was the best decision we could have made. The staff was incredibly nice, supportive, and a pleasure to work with. A big thank you to Kathia for being in constant communication, and getting us the treatment we needed. The process was incredibly easy because of your guidance.

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    First, get to a secure location and ensure your safety. Then, contact someone you trust for support. Also, seek medical attention to address any injuries and collect forensic evidence. Report the abuse to the authorities and consider contacting an Orange County sexual abuse attorney for legal guidance.

    Gather various types of evidence, like medical records, police reports, digital evidence, and witness statements. If you sought the help of mental health providers, you can use their notes that document the psychological impact of the abuse to strengthen your case.

    The statute of limitations for filing a sexual abuse lawsuit in California varies. For those aged 18 and up, it’s typically within 10 years from the date of the abuse or three years from the discovery of the injury or illness acquired from it. For minors, the timeframe is generally longer. Consult with an Orange County attorney to understand the specific deadlines applicable to your case.

    Hiring an Orange County lawyer is highly recommended. An experienced sexual abuse attorney can provide essential support and advocate for you throughout the process. They can guide you through complex legal procedures and work to secure the best possible outcome for your case.

    In California, sexual abuse includes any non-consensual sexual act or behavior such as rape, forcible acts of sexual penetration, oral copulation, sexual battery, aggravated sexual assault of a child, unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under 18, and sexual acts with a child ten years or younger. It also includes non-physical forms such as harassment and exploitation.

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    Aria Miran, esq.
    Nicole Dolle, esq.
    John Rajaee, esq.
    Yen Quach, esq.
    Ryan Drakulich, esq.
    Ariana Martin
    Ariana Martin, esq.
    Aria Miran, esq.

     Aria is a member of the prestigious Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum®. He speaks English, Farsi, and Spanish.

    Nicole Dolle, esq.

    Nicole has settled hundreds of personal injuries claims, known for her professional, honest, and caring approach.

    John Rajaee, esq.

    John is a former defense lawyer turned award-winning personal injury lawyer. He speaks English and Farsi.

    Yen Quach, esq.

    Associate Attorney Yen Quach started work at RMD Law in 2017 as a paralegal. Injured clients seeking justice from insurance companies can do no better than Yen.

    Ryan Drakulich, esq.

    Ryan is a caring and experienced litigator. He defended scores of depositions and understands what it takes to move a case in California.

    Ariana Martin, esq.

    Ariana Martin is one of RMD Law’s skilled personal injury lawyers. She brings a lot of legal experience to the table, having worked previously in the field of insurance defense.

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